7 habits of productive people!
Becoming productive is easier than it may seem. It is enough to make a small effort to introduce new habits, and you will notice how you do more in less time. Here are 7 skills you should acquire to be more productive and successful. Managing emotions Inside us sometimes arise, when the emotions are pulling us by the hand in one direction, and rational thinking is clinging to the other arm and struggling to get to go the other way. Every time you find that there is a battle of brains inside (that is, the struggle between emotional and rational), make a list that allows you to highlight the emotional and rational sides of the situation. This list will allow you to clear your mind, take advantage of the available knowledge and at the same time pay tribute to your emotions, not allowing them to take you under control. Planning One of the main reasons for procrastination is poor planning when you don\'t know what to do next. Whenever you fall into such a state, put the alarm clock to go off in thirty minutes, and begin to plan ahead. And start keeping a calendar. When you intend to do something on any day, or if you have an appointment for a specific date, add the event to your calendar on your phone. Later, you can synchronize it with your laptop, but the phone is such a thing that is always with you, so you can start filling out the calendar in it. If you travel a lot, use the resources that allow you to track information about flights, hotels and car rental. Speed reading Some people can read at the speed of thought and even faster. Just imagine how life will change if you can read books and articles with great speed? This skill can be mastered through innovative methods described in the book \"speed reading\". Visualization Our brain does not always distinguish between real and imaginary pictures. Brain scans of people who watched the sunset live, are no different from the brain scans of people who represent the sunset. In both scenarios, the same zones are activated. Visualizing yourself effectively managing emotions and behavior trains a new skill and turns it into a habit. Close your eyes for five minutes and imagine yourself in a difficult situation. Concentrate on the picture until you start feeling emotions. Then imagine doing what you always want to do in situations like this. Imagine that you are saying and doing the right thing. Feel satisfaction and joy. Next time it will be like this. Visualize not things, but events in life. Sketches on Sundays Can be visualized on paper. Make quick sketches of expected events. You will not only tune in to the fulfillment of desires, but also notice how you have advanced in the ability to draw. We recommend \"Sketches on Sundays\"and \"Watercolor sketching\": these books are full of great advice, ideas, motivation, support and inspiration. Meditation In almost every self-development book you will find information about meditation. It was practiced and practiced by many people who are called successful �\" Oprah Winfrey, Tim Ferris, David Lynch, Herman Gref, Moby and many others. People who practice meditation are less likely to face stressful situations and experience them more easily. Meditation has a positive effect on mental health in the long term. Meditation affects the brain in areas that are important for concentration and cognitive processes. This practice increases the thickness of the prefrontal cortex, making it less prone to aging. Meditation can also have a protective effect on the brain, as it prevents damage to the gray matter that appears when aging. The ability to write Having the ability to write interesting texts is useful not only for writers and journalists. Now the text is needed almost everywhere. Write comments, posts in social networks, messages in messengers and blog posts so that they can not just scroll through. Writing develops imagination. Source In the book \"Author, scissors, paper\" you will find the method of Nicholas V. Kononov, which consists of 14 lessons-steps. A well-known journalist teaches to write impressive texts. To climb these 14 steps is quite possible in a month, and the remaining time to hone skills. Mobility If you\'re not going to run a marathon, but just want to feel lighter and better, then there\'s one easy way to add movement to life. It is available to almost everyone �\" it is a common staircase. It is not necessary to sweat and puff, rising to the fifteenth or twentieth floor, or participate in special races on the upper floors of skyscr4pers. But if you live or work on floors three through eight, for example, why not replace Elevator rides with walking? It won\'t take you long. You don\'t have to change anything, you don\'t have to buy equipment, and you won\'t look weird (again, except when you run up the stairs to the twenty-fifth floor of an office skyscr4per).