Hey Guys & Gals!!
I'm playing a new game, inspired by a friend of mine that always asks random questions... It's 26 days of fun facts daily about me! So if you don't know me, we haven't met or you think you know me, it's a good chance to learn weird tid-bits.

If you like it and feel it's fun, feel free to join in so I can learn more about you!! Models too!
Here is the schedule that will be posted for the next 26 days.
Day 01 Twenty-six facts about yourself.
Day 02 Your favorite TV show.
Day 03 Your all time favorite memory.
Day 04 - A person you'd love to trade places with for a day.
Day 05 A memory that makes you laugh out loud.
Day 06 Your most treasured item.
Day 07 Something you love.
Day 08 Something you hate.
Day 09 Something you want to do before you die.
Day 10 Somewhere youd love to travel.
Day 11 - A description of your day.
Day 12 - Something you're afraid of.
Day 13 Something that can always make you smile.
Day 14 A memory of a crazy night.
Day 15 The best part of your day.
Day 16 Where is your dream house.
Day 17 Something you cant function without.
Day 18 Someone youre told you look like.
Day 19 - Someone you think is hot.
Day 20 - One thing you would bring if you were stranded on a deserted island.
Day 21 The last movie you saw in theaters.
Day 22 - Something that makes you happy.
Day 23 - Your favorite holiday memory.
Day 24 - Where you wish you were right now.
Day 25 A random item that you own.
Day 26 - Something youre excited about.
P.S. I'll be online in a couple hours to help support the cause Flirt is promoting today!

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