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FEEDBACK: Tipping Shows
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News & Announcements: FEEDBACK: Tipping Shows
Created by: VS_Brad

8/12/10 @ 10:24pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: California, USA
Posts: 3,429

Nothing in life is more certain than death, takes and CHANGE.

We're thinking about making a change, something to improve the engagement level on the site and build on a fun element while making it easier for performers to control their rooms.

The concept is simple: relax the open room rules where basically anything you can do in private (nudity, toys, etc.) is acceptable in open. Make the tipping functionality in open via the gift system easier to use and more fun.

Then, if a model wants to do a sexy strip show in open for tips instead of trying to get one customer to go private; they can.

Definitely not for everyone, but I think some performers would really enjoy it and many customers might have a better time on the site even when they are not the ones tipping, etc.

Curious to hear your thoughts!

Sexy Kylie
Created by: Sexy Kylie

8/12/10 @ 11:08pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00

Created by: nathanjones1

8/12/10 @ 11:39pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 55

Created by: hfactor_

8/13/10 @ 12:33am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Hanging with the Princess
Posts: 1,102

This is basically answering the prayers of every beggar and cheap wanker. The tipping amounts needs to be increased, and the model HAS TO HAVE THE ABILITY TO BANN. Or you will have a room full of people and a few guys tipping and everyone else watching for free. Not fair to the tippers and especially the models. :drinkup
Created by: lounieonwheelz

8/13/10 @ 2:15am (EST) |UTC - 5:00

This is a great idea Brad. I am just worried about the beggers.
Created by: kertus

8/13/10 @ 3:27am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: The Planet Piiiing
Posts: 880

think my EPIC idea is better ... seen this idea ... leads ta misery and it's no POD.
Created by: suggs

8/13/10 @ 5:46am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Left of centre
Posts: 6,768

one of if not THE WORST idea you have come up with. As others have said this will lead to even more begging arseholes and freeloading chatters of ALL colours.

Absolutely no amount of shine or spin you can attempt to put on this joke will make it any better.

The last bit of this sentence sums all that is wrong with this idea

Definitely not for everyone, but I think some performers would really enjoy it and many customers might have a better time on the site even when they are not the ones tipping, etc.

In other words -- " We at flirt are welcoming all freeloading lurkers to sit and :jerkoff for free at someone elses expense"
John Jay
Created by: John Jay

8/13/10 @ 6:59am (EST) |UTC - 5:00

Actually this is a great idea.... And a very successful one too..... . It has a proven history of success...... Know of a few sites like this.. And they are up there in popularity.......Stats dont lie.. This method of tipping actually works very well......So the people who never heard of it need to relax... :party
Created by: raycerx

8/13/10 @ 7:33am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: good old usa

I know the site which this method is used extensively.While some girls benefit from it most dont.In fact most girls sit in open while beggars who want to tip a few bucks basically to see a show they should be paying full boat for.In my opinion it makes the model feel cheap and not worthy of making a decent living.I have seen girls there begrudgingly do a show for 5-10 bucks just because she has sat in open for so long and finally had to cave in just to make something,anything.

Models sit in open here as well for long periods of time but like any other business you grow your client list and if your good at it you make a decent living.Bad idea,don't bring this site down to that level.Sure you will get more traffic,but not the kind you want here.
Roxy Rayne
Created by: Roxy Rayne

8/13/10 @ 7:36am (EST) |UTC - 5:00

This is basically answering the prayers of every beggar and cheap wanker. The tipping amounts needs to be increased, and the model HAS TO HAVE THE ABILITY TO BANN. Or you will have a room full of people and a few guys tipping and everyone else watching for free. Not fair to the tippers and especially the models. :drinkup


Yesssss In a perfect world :P
Created by: purgatory

8/13/10 @ 7:37am (EST) |UTC - 5:00

Nothing in life is more certain than death, takes and CHANGE.

We're thinking about making a change, something to improve the engagement level on the site and build on a fun element while making it easier for performers to control their rooms.

The concept is simple: relax the open room rules where basically anything you can do in private (nudity, toys, etc.) is acceptable in open. Make the tipping functionality in open via the gift system easier to use and more fun.

Then, if a model wants to do a sexy strip show in open for tips instead of trying to get one customer to go private; they can.

Definitely not for everyone, but I think some performers would really enjoy it and many customers might have a better time on the site even when they are not the ones tipping, etc.

Curious to hear your thoughts!


Nothing in life is more certain than death, takes and CHANGE.

Okay I think takes should be taxes for starters :winkwink ...

Now my thoughts on this idea... Honestly my first reaction was ..WHAT THE HELL.. Then thought don't reply yet and sit down think about what I know about this type of site and look at it in a business sense not a personal reaction.

Okay as Brad said it's not for all... 100% agree I fall into that field of people it's not for..

Then thought about it on the other side of the fence for a minute and thought yes there is going to be a percentage of people (Performers And Customers) which this will work for and may incourage them to spend more if they are customers.

Now I think this will only work on Vsmedia sites (Flirt4free and sister sites) if certain conditions are met. The conditions I think that could make this feature work are as follows :-

1. Performers can opt out from it if they desire.

2. Bring in a new section for this on the model menu in rooms, call it something like (Shows4Tips or any name the site can think off). This will then allow performers to choose if they want to be in that section and that way when they are in the normal sections they are not pestered to do shows for tips in open room and then it is also clear to customers what to expect in the different types of rooms. Add this information to the Show Rates section this new section and explain how it can be used and the limitations etc etc. Also these new rooms should still have a Private button or multi user button for private shows and allow performers to pick the rate for the private/multi shows.

3. Now this part i'm going to add to stop the site being full of freeloaders that will never pay but sit there and watch shows in open room at others expence. The only customers that can enter these rooms have to be proven adults ( so no grey users and white members that have not added CC details to their account) and have spent $250+ (or a figure $ the site thinks is about average for a good customer). This must be put in place or we will end up having a site full of minors and freeloaders.

4. These new rooms/section also must be showing that they are not doing shows for free and are actually asking for tips for these shows or you will have a site full of performers that are exibitionists by nature and don't mind sitting there naked all time and basically doing everything a customer asks for for free (seen this type of performer on these so called "clone" sites and even times on flirt4free but in time they got removed by the site for doing shows in open room). Reason this rule must be in place is what stops all customers just going there and getting a free show while the other models are working hard for nothing in the normal rooms while their privates drop.

5. These rooms also need good monitoring to stop illegal activities being done in open room. Examples of such activities are urination and fisting shows.

6. Performers need to have more control in these rooms and maybe allowing models to be able to stop the customers video and chat feed when the offending customer has been muted and so can't type. Muting I have found does not work well because they sit there and watch the chat and video till the mute wears off and they start again doing the same thing.

Okay that's only real way I can see this working without it upsetting the current performers and customers. Giving both sides these options above may make this feature a nice new addition if it is used right and monitored that it is doing the site some good, if the feature is found to be abused it should be removed without hesitations or we may end up with good performers leaving as we did have when the preview window was first introduced.

Also the perfomers in the normal rooms/sections must not do shows for tips in open room so rules that are there now must be applied still and only the new section can do shows in open room for tips.

Also I think the gift tip in the chat rooms the gift box really needs to be changed to TIP and called TIP so this way does not confuse people to what it is and larger sums need to be added or a feature where you can type in a sum you want to tip.

Will add more later, bit busy at moment, but wanted to pass on these ideas.


Created by: mydyingbride

8/13/10 @ 9:14am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Netherlands
Posts: 181

Wasnt "flirting" what this site used to be all about...?
Created by: alberich

8/13/10 @ 10:15am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: breaking in, shaping up, then checking out
Posts: 970

I for myself think it's a stupid idea - tho some few models may profit from it - most won't. It will increase the amount of beggins, open boobs and open legs commands. It may increase the amount of persons in a room but most of them will still be SW (silent wankers) or freeloaders.
And last but not least it will lower the level of flirt to a wankers only site

Refering to John Jay: Many of the users here know sites using this method. So do I. And what I know from there is that most of the models make significantly less than 1000 credits an 8 hour shift and show for a poor amount of creds whatever you demand. Cheap in my opinion and not the way flirt should go

Just my thoughts and :twocents
Created by: bgblu

8/13/10 @ 10:28am (EST) |UTC - 5:00

I also have to agree with the consensus on here. I have frequented the site that uses it extensively and to me it cheapens the models. Now granted there are girls/guys that have no problem getting down and dirty whether it is in free or pvt but there are plenty of wholesome sweethearts on here that just enjoy the privacy aspect. this idea will just bring out and push more beggars into rooms which will in turn create hostility from vip/registered members towards them and in some cases make the models feel like they are pimping themselves out. It almost creates the idea of now the models are the ones that are doing the beging..."tip me __ tokens and ill take of my top/bottom/play" Leave it as is this way it leaves that little bit of unknown when you take a model pvt for the first time. There is one special lady on here (she knows who she is) that when we first went pvt was a bit hesitant and unknowing about how it would be and now we have the greatest times in pvts whether they are playtimes or just chats.
I have a feeling judging by the answers here so far that this idea will probably not come about. When you have some of your most popular models disagreeing with it maybe its a bad idea. Hopefully VS takes these opinions seriously and drops the idea.
Created by: paperpunch09

8/13/10 @ 11:04am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: USA
Posts: 3,146

After thinking about it my opinion is: BAD IDEA

As others have stated, it will increase begging and people jacking off in free. Basically, one or more members paying for the whole room to get their jollies.

If models choose to show stuff in open what is the incentive to buy shows? NONE

I say keep the stuff for privates in that room and it will save a lot of time and energy for all the models.

Just my :twocents worth
Created by: sweetchilli

8/13/10 @ 11:14am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: New Zealand
Posts: 66

Horrible idea. This goes against what separates flirt from their competitors. The best thing about this site is the relationships one has with the models through talking and communication. This relationship also enhances time in pvt knowing its a more intimate setting.

Created by: g-mann

8/13/10 @ 11:51am (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Teddy's BBQ Place in Hello Kitty Land on Route 66
Posts: 9,786

Actually this is a great idea.... And a very successful one too..... . It has a proven history of success...... Know of a few sites like this.. And they are up there in popularity.......Stats dont lie.. This method of tipping actually works very well......So the people who never heard of it need to relax... :party

JJ.. who the hell let y0u back on the forums? Many of the members here know EXACTLY what the tipping is at other sites. Yet they choose to be here instead. Any reason? Of course there is... because currently Flirt is a cut above the rest. Not a cookie cutter clone of a cheap site. Sites where for tips of maybe 100 tokens has a woman using a "bat" on herself because this is what she is "tipped" for and she is just sitting in open all day and not on privates. Whee a mom has sex with what is said to be her son for "tips" because she wants to make a few credits. Where a model's topic is... 100 tokens for anal. So instead of maybe even a 300 credit show for ONE person it would be 100 credits for however many members are in the room. After that show, WHY would any of them go private? You know they :jerkoff already. And let's not forget about how so many idiots record and post shows all over the internet. If you are doing shows in an open room, then you leave yourself VERY vulnerable to this by 1000s of members or non members.If you look at one of the "clone" sites, there can be over 500 models on and less than 20 privates because there is no need to go private when you can see everything you wish for free. So don;t say members and models do not know about these second rate sites, because we do.
Created by: purgatory

8/13/10 @ 12:12pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00

And let's not forget about how so many idiots record and post shows all over the internet. If you are doing shows in an open room, then you leave yourself VERY vulnerable to this by 1000s of members or non members.

That's why I mention number 3 of what I said above.. The freeloaders are usually the ones doing this.. Also if a member did it, it makes it easier to track when they are in private most performers after being shown a private that got leaked out on the internet know exactly the member at the time that took them private. Also as we know F4F records all shows for VOD and they can easily be matched up to who has been watching the VODs and who the original member was that took the private. So the person leaking the video will be either the person that took the private or one of the people that watched the VOD. With open room shows and allowing everyone in the room it can be anyone recording and reposting the shows.
Created by: dejanew

8/13/10 @ 2:31pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Posts: 13

Many of the members here know EXACTLY what the tipping is at other don;t say members and models do not know about these second rate sites, because we do.

That was a nice, long, frothing rant against the 'other tip' site and how bad the situation is there. I'm curious though: if it's so bad at this second rate site, why is it your main girl Sheryl now works there? :orglaugh

...if a member did it, it makes it easier to track when they are in private most performers after being shown a private that got leaked out on the internet know exactly the member at the time that took them private

Yeah? How's that tracking thing working out for you?

Created by: g-mann

8/13/10 @ 2:59pm (EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: Teddy's BBQ Place in Hello Kitty Land on Route 66
Posts: 9,786

That's why I mention number 3 of what I said above.. The freeloaders are usually the ones doing this.. Also if a member did it, it makes it easier to track when they are in private most performers after being shown a private that got leaked out on the internet know exactly the member at the time that took them private. Also as we know F4F records all shows for VOD and they can easily be matched up to who has been watching the VODs and who the original member was that took the private. So the person leaking the video will be either the person that took the private or one of the people that watched the VOD. With open room shows and allowing everyone in the room it can be anyone recording and reposting the shows.

Great point Purg. At least there is a way to see who copies now, I just wish that there was someone who would actually take faster action when they are notified that a video is up somewhere. Usually I have to report at least twice before I see it removed :(

Now back to tipping... When it comes to tips for nudity and play, if you look at site "clone", the top tip earners usually show nothing to very little in open. They get lots of tips for being who they are. The majority of "clones" top ranked models show and play in privates.

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